UPDATE: All students and staff in Granite School District now have access to Granite’s OverDrive Digital Library using the same username and password they use to log in to school computers and other district systems.
Granite’s OverDrive Digital Library provides students and teachers with access to a large library of popular ebooks and audiobooks for independent, recreational, or teacher-assigned reading. These books can be read on a computer or checked out and downloaded to a wide array of mobile devices via the OverDrive Media Console apps.
To access Granite’s OverDrive library:
- Using a web browser, go to http://granite.lib.overdrive.com. If you are on a mobile device, follow these steps first:
- Download the OverDrive app from your mobile device’s app store.
- Create an OverDrive account (different from your school account), or click the option that states “I am under 13 years old.”
- Choose “Add a library” from the menu and search for “Granite School District” or your school name.
- Visit Granite’s library page in the app, then follow the instructions below.
- Enter your district username and password (a.k.a. “AD Credentials.”)
- Browse or search for available ebooks and audiobooks.
- Click or tap on a title or cover for more information about that book or to borrow the book.
- Click on the “Account” button to see books you have borrowed. Read a borrowed book right in your browser, download the book to your computer/device, or send to a Kindle via Amazon.
- Books are returned automatically on the due date.
If you have any questions about OverDrive, please contact the library media specialist or media assistant at your school. You can also contact media specialists at the district level with additional questions: Nikki Gregerson (Elementary), Cindy Moyle (Secondary), or Josh Whiting.