Written by Nicola Davies, Illustrated by Salvatore Rubbino
I love this book! It is an informational “story” that has beautiful child-oriented illustrations. It is rurally set in an Urban development. Even the font is artistic with the story line in larger somewhat wispy font while the detailed information is in smaller bolder font. The two tie together in an enjoyable learning experience. the detailed information is kept simple so that any child having any experience with ducks can relate to it. While the story line basically follows a day as a child sees the ducks. It is reminiscent of the classic “Make Way for Ducklings” yet wonderfully different!
Review by Andrea Van Wagoner, Arcadia Elem. School Media Center
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K-4
Just Ducks!
Written by Nicola Davies, Illustrated by Salvatore Rubbino
Candlewick Press
26 pages
Release Date: March 27, 2012
ISBN: 9780763659363 (hardcover)