Elementary Library Media Curriculum Maps


The standards used in these maps are the Utah Core Standards for Library Media.

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7 thoughts on “Elementary Library Media Curriculum Maps”

  1. Hi, this looks quite fantastic and helpful for me as I am in the midst of mapping my curriculum for the upcoming school year. Are the “additional resources” meant to be links? I’d love more information on them and if they are links, I would love to be able to navigate the content. At the this time, they do not take me anywhere.


  2. I love the layout and design of your curriculum maps! I am unable to see where you got your information in the standards section. It doesn’t match with Information Power or the 21st Century Learners guides. Please let me know where the information in this section came from. Thanks a bunch!

  3. Christine K Rast

    I am a new librarian in South Carolina. I have been looking through web sites to gain ideas for a strong library program in my elementary school. There are many great suggestions on your site. I wanted to ask permission to incorporate some of the ideas into my lessons next year. If there are any new lessons, I would appreciate anything that might be shared.

    Christine Rast

  4. Christine,

    Thanks for visiting our site. You’re welcome to use anything you find here.

    I don’t believe we have plans to do updates to the curriculum maps in the near future, but when we have new content or lessons we will share them on this site.


    Josh Whiting

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