Introducing Safari Montage

Digital Content for and by Granite School District

Granite School District has just installed a brand new digital content management system called Safari Montage.  This system will provide numerous resources and tools for teachers and staff members:

  •  It features thousands of videos and other digital resources from publishers such as PBS, Disney Education, and Schlessinger, searchable and instantly playable in the classroom.
  • It will house professional development resources and how-to videos created by teachers, specialists, and administrators in Granite School District.
  • It provides a place for teachers to store and organize their own digital content and share that content with students on-demand.

All teachers, students, and employees of Granite School District have access to Safari Montage right now when within the district network.  Home access is a forthcoming feature.

To visit Granite’s SAFARI Montage, go to

Log in using your Active Directory credentials (the same username and password you use to log in to your district computer each day.)

We will be featuring new content in Safari Montage throughout the year.  Tutorials on different features of Safari Montage are forthcoming.  For more information and an introduction to the system, watch the video above.  You can also contact Josh Whiting in the Educational Technology department of Granite School District with questions or problems.

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