Jasmine and Maddie

jasmineandmaddieWritten by Christine Pakkala

Jasmine had to move with her mother to a small town in Connecticut after her father died. She was starting her 8th grade year in school. This is a rough time for any student. Jasmine did not want the sympathy of the other students, she was embarrassed because she had no father, and she lived in a trailer park!

Maddie failed to make the soccer team with her best friend, Kate. Now she would not belong to any “group” at lunch or be involved with practices and games. She also hated algebra…very tough subject for her.

This is a delightful book of growing up and finding out exactly who you are and where you fit in the middle school society. Both girls should come together and become the best of friends…but try as they could they only got deeper and deeper in trouble by “borrowing” things that were not theirs. Their paths cross back and forth and friendship does blossom after all the lies are brought out for everyone to see.

Review by Kristine Johnson, Teacher, West Lake Junior High
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 6-9

Jasmine and Maddie
Written by Christine Pakkala
Boyds Mills Press
203 pages
Release Date: April 1, 2014
ISBN: 9781620917398 (hardcover)

Categories: Jr. High – Fiction
Tags: realistic fiction, growing up, middle school friendships, social statis

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