Written by Mac Barnett, Illustrated by Kevin Cornell
Count The Monkeys was a 2015 Beehive Nominee Elementary Picture Book. This is the most fun book I have ever read to the students during library story time. Page by page we count the animals who have frightened the monkeys off the page. Each page presents a movement or action that you can use for listener participation in the story. This book was an overwhelming hit with the students and teachers. I have had many requests to “read it again.” I loved this book for the interest and enthusiasm it created with the students.
Review by Jackie Bodell, Plymouth Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K – 3rd Grade
Count the Monkeys
Written by Mac Barnett, Illustrated by Kevin Cornell
Disney Hyperion Books
32 pages
Release Date: June 25, 2013