Collaborative Book List: Back To School | First Day of School | School Life

As we start the school year, check out this new collaborative book list to find and share favorite books to read aloud at the first of the year, funny or inspiring books about school life, and more.

School Life

Click here to add suggestions, copy, or print the list, or you can simply browse through the list in the frame below.

With this post we are inaugurating a new and hopefully recurring feature on Granite Media and the Granite Educational Technology Blog: collaborative book and resource lists. We create the basis of a list as a collaborative document, and librarians, technology specialists, teachers, and any other interested readers have the ability to add suggestions to the lists at any time using the realtime collaborative features of Google Docs. Our hope is that these lists can be used as a place to find and share ideas for technology tools, digital resources, read-alouds, displays, features, book talks, collection development, and more.

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2 thoughts on “Collaborative Book List: Back To School | First Day of School | School Life”

  1. Thanks for the participation! I’ve gotten a number of positive responses from this list and it was fun to set up so I think we will do some more of these throughout the year on some other topics. And we can continue to build this one out as well, of course.

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