Written by Tommy Greenwald, Illustrated by J. P. Coovert
Katie has a phone (who doesn’t?) and uses it…a lot. On Monday, April 23, she sends three texts and posts a photo of her dog before she showers. During breakfast she receives and sends four more texts. On the bus she texts more. At lunch Katie wants to talk about Nareem, her boyfriend of nine months. Katie realizes that all her friends at the lunch table are texting and no one is listening to her at all. Nareem surprises Katie with tickets to Plain Jane, her favorite girl band. At the concert Plain Jane asks everyone to put their phones away. She doesn’t like them. Katie is able to meet Plain Jane and Plain Jane challenges Katie and ten of her friends to not use their phones for a week! Is Katie up to the challenge and can she inspire her friends to put their phones down too? And what happens if you send a text to the wrong person?
Review by Diann Cox, Farnsworth Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: 6-9 grades
Katie Friedman Gives Up Texting! (And Lives to Tell About It.)
Written by Tommy Greenwald, Illustrated by J. P. Coovert
Roaring Brook Press
227 pages
Release Date: February 17, 2015