Octopuses! Strange and Wonderful

octopuses-strange-and-wonderfulWritten by Laurence Pringle, Illustrated by Meryl Henderson

I love the Strange and Wonderful non-fiction books! Octopuses is another wonderful success. The author covers all the basic information, including: intelligence, anatomy, habitat, defenses, interaction with humans, feeding, reproduction, etc. It looks like an easy non-fiction or picture book with its beautiful watercolor illustrations but it is actually very detailed and has a glossary. Upper elementary students could easily have enough information to write a report or research paper from this book. An engaging and memorable non-fiction book, with a story telling aspect. Can’t wait to see what my students think!

Review by Jennifer Ford, South Kearns Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 3-8

Author Website: http://www.laurencepringle.com/

Octopuses! Strange and Wonderful
Written by Laurence Pringle, Illustrated by Meryl Henderson
Boyds Mills Press, an imprint of Highlights
32 pages
Release Date: April 7, 2015

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