The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett

Written by Chelsea Sedoti

When Lizzie Lovett goes missing, everyone in the small town of Griffin Mills is shocked and upset. Everyone, except Hawthorn Creely, an “odd duck,” four years younger than Lizzie whose brother was friends with her. Hawthorn is intrigued and a bit obsessed. She inserts herself into Lizzie’s life, trying to understand her and figure out what happened. To say Hawthorn crosses some boundaries is an understatement. Hawthorn, as quirky and out of place as she is, is relate-able and you feel her pain and embarrassment. She truly marches to her own drum and has a habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Her family is just as unusual and at odds as Hawthorn is with herself. The relationships between Hawthorn and her family, her friends, and the inhabitants of the small town she wishes she didn’t live in, are very real.
The story is well written with a cast of some very unusual characters. This is not just a story about teenagers and their struggles to fit in. The ending is somewhat surprising and sad. The book has a clear message. While you are searching and wishing you had the life of someone else, you may just find out who you are. Also, everyone faces struggles you may not know about. The perfect “prom queen” may be depressed or feel just as alone as the awkward “nerd” who sits alone at lunch.
This book deals with some mature subjects and is appropriate for older high school aged readers. I will admit feeling some frustration with the main character and her poor choices and found it shocking that Hawthorn would befriend the person that many speculated may have killed the the missing girl. Also, Hawthorn’s theories are a bit far fetched and while they add some interest to the story, they aren’t believable. This is the only flaw in the plot. Overall, I would recommend this book. It is a journey of self discovery that is well worth your time.

Review by Stephanie Garahana, Hunter High School Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: High School

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett
Written by Chelsea Sedoti
Sourcebooks Fire
387 pages
Release Date: January 3, 2017
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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