Louie Lets Loose!

Unicorn in New York, #1

Written by Rachel Hamilton, Illustrated by Oscar Arameles

Louie is a unicorn from Story Land. He was playing in a magical forest when he finds a scrap of paper. The paper announced openings in the New York School of Performing Arts. Louie was thrilled, as he was, himself, a performing unicorn. He began his journey to New York City where he enrolled in the school. His adventures soon begin in the big city. He finds a great job in a bakery as a doughnut hole puncher, using his horn. He loves life in the big city and enjoys his new friends that he made.

Review by Pam Jensen, Bacchus Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★✩✩ (3 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 2-3

Unicorn in New York, #1
Louie Lets Loose!
Written by Rachel Hamilton, Illustrated by Oscar Arameles
Scholastic Inc.
121 pages
Release Date: May 30, 2017 (USA)
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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