Author Visit: Erin Summerill

Erin Summerill, author of the Clash of Kingdoms series, recently provided a professional development session for the secondary library media educational technology specialists in Granite School District.

A former high school English teacher herself, Summerill shared a presentation featuring insights from her writing life and readily-applicable tips on persevering in writing and other creative activities. You can see her begin to describe her “SMILE” method for writing and doing other hard things in the segment below.


Then she talked books, giving well-thought-out recommendations from a wide range of young adult authors and genres for us to add to our school library collections and pass along to students.

We thank her for coming and sharing her insights and expertise with us, inspiring us in librarianship, teaching, writing, and more.

Check out Erin Summerill’s books in Sora, Granite’s Digital Library, or ask for them in your junior high or high school library.

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