Never Evers, by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison

Never Evers
Written by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison

Mouse is going on a skiing trip with her old schoolmates after she has been told she isn’t good enough to stay at ballet school. She is anxious about how her old friends will treat her when she shows up. Jack is with his two best friends and is going on his school trip to the same place to snowboard. The two of them meet. With all of the pressures they both feel about the relationships they have, they have a hard time being themselves. Both are never evers when it comes to skiing/snowboarding and kissing. With these new experiences being anticipated, it is nice to have each chapter written with a section from both Mouse and Jack’s perspective. It is a pleasant read and with some imaginative plot twists, the reader will not find it hard to want to get to the end.

Review by Merri Rygg, Truman Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★½✩ (3.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 5-8

Never Evers
Written by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison
Delacorte Press
304 pages
Release Date: December 4, 2018 (USA)
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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