Written by Cao Wenxuan, Illustrated by Yu Rong
The book begins in the middle of a hot summer day. The illustrations clearly depict the hotness of the day and the animals looking for shade. Any shade. A tree is spotted and all the animals race towards it. However, the tree is bare of leaves and the animals begin to argue and finally realize that there is no shade. Then something happens. A man and boy walk by. The man’s shadow covers the boy. One by one the animals offer their shadow to an animal smaller than themselves. The pages of the book are cut different sizes for the different sizes of the animals.
Reviewed by Diann Cox, Media Clerk, Farnsworth Elementary
Rating: ★★★½✩ (3.5 stars)
Interest Level: Preschool-1st Grade
Written by Cao Wenxuan, Illustrated by Yu Rong
48 pages
Release Date: May 7, 2019
ISBN: 9781250310064
A review copy was provided by the publisher.
Tags: Picture book, summer, hot weather, animals, kindness, sharing
Categories: Picture Books
Date Submitted: 09/24/2019
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Email address: dcox@graniteschools.org