Written by Mary Murphy, Illustrated by Zhu Cheng-Liang
What I Like Most is a relatable book for younger children. It shows a little girl explaining what she likes the best as she goes throughout her day, but on the next page what she likes the most changes. It would be fun to read this with younger elementary classes and talk about what we like most and how many times that changes depending on who we are with and where we are. I like that it goes through different things and items, but in the end ties it to liking her mom (can be changed to relate to any family member).
I especially liked that the pictures were of a cute Asian girl. We have so many different ethnic groups here in our school and I love finding books that represent more of these ethnicities. The pictures where bright and happy.Overall it was an enjoyable book that would be fun to real aloud to a child.
Reviewed by Heather B. Arauzo, Media Clerk, Granger Elementary
Reviewed in October 2020
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K-3
What I Like Most
Written by Mary Murphy, Illustrated by Zhu Cheng-Liang
Candlewick Press
32 pages
Release Date: April 7, 2020
ISBN: 9781536209402
A review copy was provided by the publisher.