Written by Jess Redman
Wunder Ellis, 11 years old, is what he dubs a miracologist: he has been recording miracles in his “The Miraculous” journal for a number of years – he believes in each and every miracle recorded……. Until the day his newborn sister dies, on that day all and any miracles die within Wunder’s heart.
His mother, in her own grief, refuses to leave her room, even for the short funeral service for the lost child – only Wunder, his father and the very “weird” officiating priest are at the service. One needs to go by the abandoned mysterious house to get to the cemetery……. At the cemetery, there is a very unusual girl – Faye, wearing a very unusual flowing cape. Faye observes the funeral and immediately attaches herself to Wunder, although he is not really interested in having her around, or the name she immediately decides to address him by, “Wundie.” Over and over he reminds her his name is Wunder, which she refuses to acknowledge…Back to the mysterious abandoned house – something or someone is “calling” to the children to enter. Well, that is certainly UNUSUAL! Evidently Faye and Wundie cross the threshold and met up with the mysterious old woman who resides there…… She sets them upon an adventure that is to break up the stone in Wundie’s heart to see all that is good, and to restore the lives of many of the town’s broken hearted citizens.
Reviewed by Marcia Ingram, Library Media Educational Technology Specialist, Eisenhower Jr. High
Review shared in April 2021
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Middle School
Author Website: https://www.jessredman.com/
The Miraculous
Written by Jess Redman
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
309 pages
Release Date: July 30, 2019
ISBN: 9780374309749
A review copy was provided by the publisher.