Itzel and the Ocelot

Written and Illustrated by Rachel Katstaller

Itzel and the Ocelot is a traditional Salvadoran story about a young girl who saved her world through courage, the help of animal friends, and resilience. Due to a drought in the land, Itzel and her grandmother are worried about their crops and lives. Itzel decides to try to find the giant snake who is believed to bring water to the land. On her journey, she meets a few animals also struggling due to the lack of water who help her in her quest. Before reading the inside flap, I was a bit confused by the story. But understanding that it was a traditional story made the story make more sense and gave an extra, fun element to the story. I love that there is a glossary in the back for some of the words readers may not know. This helped clarify parts of the story. Overall, it was a really cool story that I truly enjoyed reading.

Reviewed by Chelsea Johnson, Librarian, West Kearns Elementary
Review shared in October 2022
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 2-4

Itzel and the Ocelot
Written and Illustrated by Rachel Katstaller
Kids Can Press
x pages
Release Date: June 7, 2022
ISBN: 9781525305061
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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