Written by Emma Otheguy, Illustrated by Andrés Landazábal
This was a fun Easy Reader about a young class doing a fun wax museum project at school. This was very fun for me to read because it reminded me of when I did the same activity as a young student. Reina desperately wants to be Frida Kahlo for the project, but when her friend chooses it as well, Reina learns the importance of sharing. Very cute story that taught the principle of sharing very well. And the fact that this comes in a Spanish version as well makes it even better.
Reviewed by Chelsea Johnson, Librarian, West Kearns Elementary
Review shared in November 2022
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: PreK-2nd Grade
Reina Ramos Works It Out!
Written by Emma Otheguy, Illustrated by Andrés Landazábal
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
31 pages
Release Date: September 20, 2022
ISBN: 9780063223110 (hardcover) / 9780063223103 (paperback)
A review copy was provided by the publisher.