It Will End Like This

Written by Kyra Leigh

Set in modern-day Massachusetts, Charlotte and Maddi’s mom recently passed away. Her heart supposedly just stopped beating. The girls suspect their father and/or his lover really killed their mom. After all, what was that bittersweet tea they gave the duo’s mom every day and why is there a poison container hidden in the closet? As the duo’s grief and anger turns to rage, they become convinced that their father’s new fiance is going to take everything for herself and leave them with nothing. What really happened to their mom?

Inspired by the Lizzie Borden story, this psychological thriller moves at a slow pace to build a disturbing suspense. This book is well-written and brings to life the twists and turns that can come with grief. The characters are complex and befitting of unreliable narrators. Readers who enjoy horror and psychological thrillers will enjoy reading this book. Book contains considerable violence, swearing, and drug use. For these reasons, it is best suited for 14 and up.

Reviewed by Jessica Moody, Library Technology Coach, Olympus Jr High
Review shared in January 2023
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 9-12

It Will End Like This
Written by Kyra Leigh
Delacorte Press
343 pages
Release Date: January 4, 2022
ISBN: 9780593375525 (hardcover) / 9780593375549 (paperback)
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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