It Found Us

Written by Lindsay Currie

Hazel hears her brother making plans to sneak into the cemetery late at night with his friends. Hazel, being the mystery machine that she is, follows them to snoop. It also helps that there are mysteries about the cemetery that she has always wanted to figure out. During the game the older kids are playing at the cemetery, one of the boys disappears. Hazel and her brother Den are determined to figure out what happened to Everett. Unfortunately for them, the cemetery is haunted. They are terrified when they see a ghost boy without eyes who follows them to their house! Hazel and her brother follow the clues until the ghost brings Everett back to them. This is a great “spooky” book for my kiddos.

Reviewed by Christie Haslam, Library, Gearld Wright Elementary
Review shared in 10/18/2023
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 4-6

It Found Us
Written by Lindsay Currie
Sourcebooks Young Readers
274 pages
Release Date: September 5, 2023
ISBN: 9781728259499
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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