Bee Bakshi and the Gingerbread Sisters

Written by Emi Pinto

Bee does not want to go on vacation with her family. Bee wants to go the spooky new theme park for Betsy Chillers books with her best friend. She is embarrassed of her Indian family and doesn’t want them to embarrass her anymore. She wanders around their cabin bored and angry and finds a new friend? Lucas is a goggle-wearing younger boy who is a little bit of a pain. She takes a boat out onto the lake and starts to realize that there is a mystery here. She meets a girl named Alaina and wants nothing more than to hang out with Alaina across the lake. Alaina’s mansion on the other side is everything dreams are made of. She learns about a mysterious fire and the mysteries keep coming. Is Alaina a good person? Is Alaina dangerous? I won’t ruin the surprise but Bee finds out that she has a family she can be proud of. She is important and so are they. Especially when she finds out who Lucas’ mother really is. This is a really good book with lots of twists and turns.

Reviewed by Christie Haslam, Librarian, Gearld Wright Elementary
Review shared in October 2023
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 4-6

Bee Bakshi and the Gingerbread Sisters
Written by Emi Pinto
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
294 pages
Release Date: September 12, 2023
ISBN: 9780063275720
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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