Saving the Spotted Owl

Zalea’s Story

Written by Nicola Jones, Illustrated by Alexandra Finkeldey

This is the true story of Zalea, a northern spotted owl from a remote part of Canada. When Zalea was 3 weeks old in the Spring of 2017, she fell from her nest almost 7 stories high and landed on the forest floor. With no way to bring her back up, her parents could only try to protect her from predators. Fortunately, some wildlife biologists knew that owls were nesting there and they were able to scoop up Zalea and take her to a safe place called the Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Centre near Vancouver, BC.
Zalea’s story is all about growing up in her new home with foster owl parents, finding a mate and having her own little chicks. It’s also about the incredible efforts being made to raise endangered species and release them back into the wild.

This book would be great for those who want to do a deep dive on owls, conservation, life cycles, endangered species, or wildlife in general. I have kids who love owls, which is why I selected this book. The illustrations and real pictures are a perfect fit. However, there is a lot of small text, which might discourage younger readers. Best for 5th grade and up.

Reviewed by Andrea LeBaron, Librarian, Upland Terrace Elementary
Review shared in December 2023
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: 5th Grade – High School

Saving the Spotted Owl: Zalea’s Story
Written by Nicola Jones, Illustrated by Alexandra Finkeldey
Kids Can Press
31 pages
Release Date: October 3, 2023
ISBN: 978-1-5253-0555-9
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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