This Book Is Banned

Read or listen to this book in Granite’s Sora!

Written by Raj Haldar, Illustrated by Julia Patton

Are you ready to break the rules? Grab your magnifying glass, don your detective hat, and prepare to embark on an exhilarating literary adventure through the pages of Raj Haldar’s This Book Is Banned!

From the moment you crack open the spine of this covert masterpiece, you’re thrust into a world where mischief reigns supreme and conformity is so last season. Haldar’s ingenious storytelling unravels the thrilling tale of a book that’s not just banned but positively notorious!

Picture this: a book so scandalous that libraries whisper its name in hushed tones, and teachers tremble at the mere thought of its existence. But fear not, intrepid reader! Haldar’s witty prose and playful illustrations guide you through the forbidden labyrinth of censorship with a mischievous grin and a wink.

Imagine the gasps of shock and disbelief as students, who once thought they couldn’t read a banned book, realize that some of the very books in their own library are deemed too scandalous for consumption! It’s a revelation that sparks a fire of curiosity and defiance, propelling them headfirst into a literary rebellion they never saw coming.

Prepare to be swept away on a whirlwind journey of discovery, as ‘This Book Is Banned’ challenges you to question authority, defy expectations, and embrace the joy of reading without boundaries. With each turn of the page, you’ll find yourself cheering for the underdog, outsmarting the censors, and laughing out loud at the sheer audacity of it all.

So, dear reader, are you brave enough to join the rebellion? Are you ready to unleash your inner outlaw and declare, once and for all, that books are meant to be read, shared, and celebrated? If your answer is a resounding yes, then ‘This Book Is Banned’ is the exhilarating adventure you’ve been waiting for!

But shh… don’t tell the authorities. It’s our little secret.

Rating: 5 out of 5 rebellious stars! 🌟📚

Reviewed by Clerice Hampton, Librarian, Silver Hills Elementary
Review shared in February 2024
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: K-5th Grade

This Book Is Banned
Written by Raj Haldar, Illustrated by Julia Patton
Sourcebooks Explore
Release Date: September 26, 2023
ISBN: 9781728276564
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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