What If You Wish?

Written and Illustrated by Anne Appert

A whimsical storybook in beautiful illustrations! Anne Appert tells the story in a minimal yet poetic way about a girl who wishes and then doubts and then rises above the doubts. The illustrations are so colorful and have such dramatic value, that you fall into the blackness with the character, and then soar again. Beautiful message. Beautiful book. Ages 4-8.

Reviewed by Becky Burr, Librarian, Academy Park Elementary
Review shared in March 2024
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades PreK-3

What If You Wish?
Written and Illustrated by Anne Appert
40 pages
Release Date: March 5, 2024
ISBN: 9780063036130
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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