Super Red Riding Hood

superredridinghoodBy Claudia Dávila

Ruby loves everything red: her boots; berries; and especially her red cape made by Grandma. When she puts on the cape she becomes “Super Red Riding Hood.” After playing in her room for most of the day, her mother sends her on a special mission: go outside and pick some berries for your snack. Taking her flashlight and of course her red lunch box, Ruby is off on the quest. She spurs herself along by singing. But what happens when she comes across the Big, Bad Wolf? How will this superhero foil her foe? This delightful retelling of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” has a twist ending sure to please young children and anyone who loves fairy tales. The illustrations are so bold, beautiful and colorful and remind me of books I looked at as a child. I loved the simplicity of both the text and the illustrations as neither overpowers the other for perfect balance. The inside cover states, “a delightful combination of something old and something new” and “captures what it means to be an everyday superhero” is so true. And of course, any book that allows you to sing, well, that is just a bonus! “Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, the Big Bad Wolf, the Big Bad Wolf, who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, na na na not me!”

Review by Renee Larsen, Hillside Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K-3 or anyone who loves fairy tales

Super Red Riding Hood
Written by Claudia Dávila
Kids Can Press
32 pages
Release Date: August 4, 2014

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2 thoughts on “Super Red Riding Hood”

  1. I looked at this book on amazon the other day. I was excited to see your review. I’ll be ordering it for our library. Thanks!

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