
The story begins with Liam Digby, a twelve-year-old boy, leaving a message for his parents to explain why he is on a rocket ship lost in space when they thought he was on an extended field trip with his school. Liam is tall for his age and has a bit of facial hair which explains why he is often mistaken for an adult, such as his first day in a new school when he was introduced as the new Media Studies teacher, or the time a car salesman was going to let him test drive a Porsche. But when Liam enters a greatest dad contest and convinces his friend to pretend to be his daughter things get out of hand and Liam finds himself wishing his dad would show up and fix everything. I loved this book. It has a very entertaining plot with great characters and good humor. One of my favorite parts is how Liam tries to be “dadly” by saying and doing the things he thinks a dad would say and do. In a way this book pays a subtle tribute to good dads everywhere.

Review by Keri Crane, Moss El. School Media Center
Rating: 5 Stars
Interest Level: Grades 4-8

Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce
Walden Pond Press / HarperCollins
313 p.
Release Date: Jan. 19, 2010
ISBN: 9780061836831

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2 thoughts on “Cosmic”

  1. This sounds like such a fun book! I am thinking we need it for our Quick Reads – we have lots of students who need to have an exciting book that is not so difficult to read.
    Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Becky Wakefield

    The PTA donated this book to the Library from the bookfair. Thanks for the review…now I can tell the kids a little more about it.

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