Welcome to the Jungle (The 8th Contintent, #2)

Welcome to the JungleWritten by Matt London

This chapter book is book two in The 8th Continent book series. It’s an action packed science fiction story about how the future of the 8th continent is saved when it is in danger of crashing into Australia. The main characters of the story are innovative kids that synergize together to solve the outrageous problems that seem to land in their lap at every turn.

The book is an easy read and has an interesting plot, which will captivate a young reader. What’s nice about this book is that a reader does not necessarily have to read the first book in the series to understand the events of this book. Important previous events from the first book are nicely recapitulated to enhance the understanding of the plot in this installment of the series. Innovation and imagination are the themes of this book conveying a positive message to young readers that anything is possible.

Review by Brooke Deardorff, Teacher, Bennion Elementary School
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 3-5

Series Website:

Welcome to the Jungle (The 8th Contintent, #2)
Written by Matt London
Razorbill, a division of Penguin Group
216 pages
Release Date: February 24, 2015

Categories: Elem. – Fiction, Elem. – Graphic Novel
Tags: fiction, fantasy, science fiction, futuristic, problem solving, innovation, synergy, imagination, teamwork

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