Bow Wow

Bowser and Birdie, #3

Written by Spencer Quinn

Bowser is a dog who is telling this story. Birdie is Bowser’s owner, and together, with Birdie’s friend Junior, they try to solve a mystery. A bull shark had been spotted in a swamp and that begins a dangerous string of events in the Louisiana town of St. Roch. The town’s best fisherman suddenly disappears and Birdie, Junior, and Bowser must try and find out who is behind the disappearance. Is it a rival bounty hunter, or perhaps the marine biologist who said he’ll do anything to keep the shark alive?

Students in third through sixth grade will enjoy this mystery, especially since a dog is telling the story.

Review by Pam Jensen, Bacchus Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 3-6

Bowser and Birdie, #3
Bow Wow
Written by Spencer Quinn
Scholastic Press
296 pages
Release Date: May 30, 2017
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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