Yoshi, Sea Turtle Genius

A True Story about an Amazing Swimmer

Written by Lynne Cox, Illustrated by Richard Jones

Are world records just for people? Can animals hold world records?

Written by a record breaking swimmer, Lynne Cox, Yoshi, Sea Turtle Genius is a beautifully illustrated book about a loggerhead sea turtle. The book retells the true story of an endangered sea turtle from it’s birthplace on an beach in Australia into the Indian Ocean. After 5 years of traveling she is injured in a fishing net, rescued, and rehabilitated in an aquarium and released back into the sea. After swimming 22,998 miles, Yoshi sets the world record for the longest swim of any animal in history as she makes her way back to lay her own eggs on the same beach where she was born 25 years earlier.

Reviewed by Tammy Atwood, Librarian, Lake Ridge Elementary
Review shared in February 2023
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: 3d-6th Grade

Yoshi Sea Turtle Genius
Written by Lynne Cox, Illustrated by Richard Jones
Anne Schwartz Books
40 pages
Release Date: January 10, 2023
ISBN: 9780593425688 
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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