Dear Street

Written by Lindsay Zier-Vogel, Illustrated by Caroling Bonne-Müller

Dear Street author Lindsay Zier-Vogel and illustrator Caroline Bonne-Müller did a fantastic job communicating to their readers how a simple act can change a person’s perception about what is going on around them. It also shows that, no matter your age or size, you can change your community (maybe even the world) with just a few kind acts or words…that grow and grow. See for yourself as Alice navigates her community full of grumble grumbles, how her appreciation of all rubs off on others as she sends gentle reminders that even the pesky leaves have some use. Even Alice has her grumble moments. However, she is quickly reminded that everything has a silver lining, or in her case, new blooms. Where will you leave your letter of encouragement? I think I will start at the library and write a letter to thank the books for all of the adventures they offer.

Reviewed by Dana Valencia, Librarian, Oakridge Elementary
Review shared in August 2023
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: PreK and Up

Dear Street Letter Writing Activity

Dear Street
Written by Lindsay Zier-Vogel, Illustrated by Caroling Bonne-Müller
Kids Can Press
40 pages
Release Date: May 2, 2023
ISBN: 978-1-5253-0310-4
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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