Sora Featured Collections: Spooky Stories for Fall 2023

Spooky Stories in Sora
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Image shows book cover images of various recent releases in Granite's Sora available for elementary students, the Sora mascot as ghost saying boo, acreepy dead tree, and a spider and web.

This fall we have a lot of new and spooky titles for reading and listening in Granite’s Sora.

Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password to view our featured collections for October 2023:

Posters: Spooky Stories in Sora

Spooky Stories in Sora
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Image shows book cover images of various recent releases in Granite's Sora available for elementary students, the Sora mascot as ghost saying boo, acreepy dead tree, and a spider and web.
Spooky Stories in Sora – Elementary- Poster

Image shows book cover images of various recent releases in Granite's Sora available for secondary students, the Sora mascot as ghost saying boo, acreepy dead tree, and a spider and web.
Spooky Stories in Sora – Secondary – Poster

Click download above for high quality printable versions of the poster. For a smaller version of the poster sharable on websites and social media, right click on the images above and choose “Save image as…”

Slides: Spooky Stories in Sora

We also have 16:9 slide versions for digital display or other use cases. Right click on the images below and chose “Save image as…” to use them.

Spooky Stories in Sora
Visit or
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Image shows book cover images of various recent releases in Granite's Sora available for secondary students, the Sora mascot as ghost saying boo, acreepy dead tree, and a spider and web.
Spooky Stories in Sora – Slide – Secondary

Spooky Stories in Sora
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Image shows book cover images of various recent releases in Granite's Sora available for elementary students, the Sora mascot as ghost saying boo, acreepy dead tree, and a spider and web.
Spooky Stories in Sora – Slide – Elementary

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Requests and Recommendations

Are we missing something? Let us know! Students and staff in Granite School District can make recommendations for Sora purchases using our ‘Suggest a Sora Purchase’ form.

More Collections

Want to see what we are curating in Sora? Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password and visit the Explore screen, or browse other posts in our Sora New Releases and Features series.

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