Outspoken: Paul Robeson, Ahead of His Time

A One-Man Show

Written by Carole Boston Weatherford, Illustrated by Eric Velasquez

This book is very informative about a man who stood out in many ways. He worked hard at sports, music, and education. Paul Robeson got a law degree, but later found his calling as a performer on stage. With a deep, booming voice and great stage presence, he won over a great following all over the world. He was heavily involved in political movements, with the goal of helping our nation be more inclusive and equitable. This book opened my eyes to a man who is a good example of working hard and getting to a place where he could make a difference. It is longer than other informational picture books. The pictures and research are both well done.

Reviewed by Merri Rygg, Librarian, Truman Elementary
Review shared in July 2024
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 4-8

Outspoken: Paul Robeson, Ahead of His Time: A One-Man Show
Written by Carole Boston Weatherford, Illustrated by Eric Velasquez
Candlewick Press
44 pages
Release Date: March 27, 2024
ISBN: 9781536212976
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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