Thunder from the Sea: The Adventures of Jack Hoyton and the H. M. S. Defender

This novel is more than just interesting pictures: it is packed with action. The student learns many interesting facts while being entertained. The story follows a young boy who is serving on a ship protecting the British Isles from invasion by Napoleon. Throughout this exciting book the author teaches the reader about Napoleon and many nautical terms. It is entertaining and educational at the same time. I was pleasantly surprised.

Review by Liz Gifford, West Valley Elem. School Media Center
Rating: 4 Stars
Interest Level: Grades 4+

Thunder from the Sea: The Adventures of Jack Hoyton and the H. M. S. Defender
Written and Illustrated by Jeff Weigel
Putnam / Penguin Group
48 p.
Release Date: May 13, 2010
ISBN: 9780399250897

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1 thought on “Thunder from the Sea: The Adventures of Jack Hoyton and the H. M. S. Defender”

  1. Leanna Griffiths

    What could be better? A graphic novel and sea battles with young boys….all while learning about Napoleon and life in Europe at the time! Knowing our students’ thirst for graphic novels, this sounds like a winner!

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