It is a wonderful thing to grow up in a family who loves you. But Jenna Fox wonders if her parents love her too much. They have gone to extreme measures to help her survive a horrific accident. Have they, and medical science, gone too far this time? And will Jenna ever really have a life of her own?
This is a powerful book that addresses so many topics: personal identity, parent-teen relationships, scientific advances, biological and genetic engineering, governmental regulations, and the question of life itself. I could not put this book down. A must for your library!
Review by Rosanne Markham, West Lake Jr. High School Media Center
Rating: 5 Stars
Interest Level: Grades 7-12
The Adoration of Jenna Fox
Written by Mary E. Pearson
Square Fish
288 p.
Release Date: Sep. 1, 2009 (paperback)
ISBN: 9780312594411
This book looks very intriguing to me. I like books that make me think – and I love when the kids read them and then talk to me about them. I think we should have this book in our library.