Small Persons With Wings

Melie Turpin has a small person with wings (otherwise known as a fairy) living in her room, but when she volunteers to take this “person” to kindergarten for show-and-tell, he disappears and she is left with a legacy of being called “fairy fat,” to which is added an unfortunate incident with a tampon. The story is a humorous recounting of the Turpin family, whose legacy is actually to look after this group of people with wings. There is magic, illusion, intrigue and general mayhem as we realize that Mellie’s parents knew about the small people all along. Mellie finally finds a friend and a way to deal with her bullying legacy as she solves the mystery.

Review by Fay Mason, Churchill Jr. High School Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 3-7

Read an Excerpt
Ellen Booraem – Official Site

Small Person With Wings
Written by Ellen Booraem
Dial Books for Young Readers
302 pages
Release Date: January 20, 2011
ISBN: 9780803734715 (hardcover)

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1 thought on “Small Persons With Wings”

  1. Leanna Griffiths

    This sounds like a book our students might learn from , like how to deal with annoyances among friends and wise come-backs for those who tease.

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