Anya’s Ghost

(This post has a book giveaway ending Nov. 2, 2011)

Written and Illustrated by Vera Brosgol

Anya’s Ghost is a great graphic novel about a young girl from Russia. After falling in a well, she has a ghost attached to her that, at first, helps her with school and her social life. But the ghost has lied to Anya about her dying circumstances and becomes a threat to Anya and her family. I loved this story; however, the casual cigarette smoking at school, a couple of bad words and the drinking party, will keep me from giving this book a favorable review for anyone younger than 17.

Review by Sally Johnson, Wilson Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Jr. High, High School

Preview the 1st 17 pages of Anya’s Ghost
Vera Brosgol – Website

Anya’s Ghost
Written and Illustrated by Vera Brosgol
First Second
221 pages
Release Date: June 7, 2011
ISBN: 9781596435520 (paperback); 9781596437135 (hardcover)

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4 thoughts on “Anya’s Ghost”

  1. This sounds interesting. I would read it and think that it sounds different enough from most of the Graphic Novels in my library to make a good addition.

  2. I have a large following for graphic novels. This might be a good change from the Manga that runs out the door on a daily basis.

  3. I have to respectfully disagree with the reviewer about this book. The smoking is present but, the character decides to stop smoking by the end of the book becuase it is not cool as she once thought it was. There is no alcohol mentioned or specifically shown at the party. There are three swear words. None of them start with F. The main character shows refreshing moral growth throughout the course of the novel. It is appropriate for ages 12 and up.

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