Written by Etta Kaner, Illustrated by David Anderson
This is a very fun book. Hosted by a walrus and a cockatoo, they take us through varying competitions performed by animals. It’s a fun take on the Olympics. Each page is a different competition i.e. swimming, high jump, etc. and four animals are introduced that will be competing. When you turn the page you find out the “winner” – which animal is the highest jumper or fastest swimmer. It’s really cute and a clever way to give some basic information about animals to kids.
Review by Jennifer Porter, Crestview Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 1-4
And the Winner Is … Amazing Animal Athletes
Written by Etta Kaner, Illustrated by David Anderson
Kids Can Press
31 pages
Release Date: April 1, 2013
ISBN: 9781554539048 (hardcover)