Jungle of Bones

jungleofbones-coverWritten by Ben Mikaelsen

“Whatever.” A word often used by 13-year-old Dylan Barstow; angry at his father for dying, angry at his mother for treating him like a child, angry at the world in general. When he gets himself arrested yet again, his mother decides to ask his Uncle Todd, his father’s ex-Marine brother for help. Dylan will be spending the summer in Oregon. “…but soon they are on their way to Papua New Guinea in search of a World War II fighter plane and Dylan discovers that defiance is not a survival skill when you are lost in a jungle.” Like all of Ben Mikaelsen’s books, Jungle of Bones serves up a powerful message about responsibility for personal actions. This is a tough adventure story. What Dylan goes through to find out he is not the center of the Universe is grueling. And that it takes time for trust to be reestablished. This is a story that makes the reader think about the consequences of our actions and appreciate those people around us. Dylan learns the meaning of “freedom is never free.”

Review by Renee Larsen, Hillside Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 5-8

Author Website: http://www.benmikaelsen.com/

Jungle of Bones
Written by Ben Mikaelsen
Scholastic Press
32 pages
Release Date: January 28, 2014
ISBN: 9780545442879 (hardcover)

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