Written by Claire Rudolf Murphy, Illustrated by Bryan Collier
I loved this book! I had no idea of the history of this song and how many times it has been used both here and in England to help promote freedom, for many different people. Its words have been changed many times to fit many situations and causes. It is well written, documented and beautifully illustrated. This is a book that could easily be used in history classes to explore freedom at many different levels. It is written in simple but meaningful text that would lend itself to any level, and the documentation in the back could help extend lessons where needed. I highly recommend it.
Review by Sara Justet, Carl Sandburg Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 5-12
Listen Now: My Country ‘Tis of Thee Music Project
Author Website: http://www.clairerudolfmurphy.com/
Illustrator Website: http://www.bryancollier.com/
My Country ‘Tis of Thee: How One Song Reveals the History of Civil Rights
Written by Claire Rudolf Murphy, Illustrated by Bryan Collier
Henry Holt and Company
48 pages
Release Date: June 3, 2014
ISBN: 9780805082265 (hardcover)