Strike: The Farm Workers Fight for Their Rights


Written by Larry Dane Brimmer

On September 8, 1965 in Delano, California, hundreds of Filipino farmhands laid down their tools refusing to work. Started by Larry Itliong and the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee, the workers insisted on adequate wages. Soon, Cesar Chavez joined the fight. This is the story of their 5-year fight and how their strike and boycotts led to unprecedented victories. Using primary resources, readers get to explore FBI files, personal diaries, oral histories, letters, and newspaper articles. With a friendly format and a variety of primary resources, this book would be an excellent teaching tool that would support the Common Core. Readers interested in history or who need to read a non-fiction book will also enjoy reading this book.

Review by Kira Moody, Community Member, Olympus Jr. High
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 7 and Up

Strike: The Farm Workers Fight for Their Rights
Written by Larry Dane Brimmer
Calkins Creek Books
172 pages
Release Date: October 1, 2014

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