The Disappearing Magician

The Disappearing MagicianThe Magic Shop, #4

Written by Kate Egan with Magician Mike Lane, Illustrated by Eric Wight

Mike loves magic and it has been a way for him to learn to focus, earn extra credit, improve his reputation and stand up for himself. When he learns that the school is having a talent show, he is excited and ready to accept this new challenge. But his best friend and magician assistant Nora does not want to be in the talent show because, as he finds out, she is afraid to be in front of such a large audience. Now he must find a new assistant, practice some new tricks and find that one trick that will astound the audience. Oh, and deal with his nemesis, Jackson, who will just be waiting to cause him trouble.

I really like these Magic Shop books. They have easy chapters, black and white illustrations that go very well with the storyline and step-by-step instructions for the magic tricks that are used in the book. The characters are typical, likable school kids. They work out their problems with not perfect results but solve their dilemmas. I think this is a good series and one that young readers can identify with. And those interested in magic and magic tricks should love these books.

Review by Renee Larsen, Hillside Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 3-6

The Magic Shop, #4
The Disappearing Magician
Written by Kate Egan with Magician Mike Lane, Illustrated by Eric Wight
Feiwel and Friends
150 pages
Release Date: June 16, 2015

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