Written by Laurie Ann Thompson, Illustrated by Sean Qualls
How did I not find this book earlier?! It is an uplifting, amazing true story of a young boy, born with an obstacle, who lets nothing stop him living life to the fullest. In a world where excuses and blame fly freely, it’s nice to remember that hard work and determination are valuable tools for a fulfilling life.
Review by Teresa Edmunds, Westbrook Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K-12
Emmanuel’s Dream
Written by Laurie Ann Thompson, Illustrated by Sean Qualls
Schwartz & Wade Books
31 pages
Release Date: January 6, 2015
A review copy was provided by the publisher.
This was my favorite non-fiction Beehive nominee. I was disappointed it didn’t win.