Marvin and the Moths

Written by Matthew Holm and Jonathan Follett, Illustrated by Matthew Holm

Getting used to giant moths might take a little time, as does Marvin and the Moths. The first few chapters made me want to put the book down forever, poor Marvin cannot catch a break. Then his big break comes in the form of giant moths… Not just ordinary giant moths, but intelligent moths, baseball-loving moths. Then you throw in a couple of unexpected misfit friends, Pork Loaf, and a “vampire spider” and voila, you have an awesome adventure story. If you cannot imagine being right there with Marvin and Co. the illustrations thrown in here and there paint a good picture for you.

Review by Dana Valencia, Oakridge Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 4-6

Marvin and the Moths
Written by Matthew Holm and Jonathan Follett, Illustrated by Matthew Holm
Scholastic Press
357 pages
Release Date: September 27, 2016
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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