We’ve been pleased to assist in hosting several author visits in our schools this month. We capture a few highlights from these visits in this post.
Brandon Mull – West Valley Elementary
Learning how imagination and writing go together from the amazing @brandonmull @WestValleyElem @GraniteSchools pic.twitter.com/yRM92z2y6x
— Mandee Cossa (@mm_cossa) March 19, 2018
Brendan Reichs – Evergreen Junior High
Rachel Hartman – Bennion Jr. High
If you have photos or stories from school author visits or anything else interesting happening in your school libraries, please share them with us! You can use the #gsdlibraries or #gsdedtech tags on twitter, mention our accounts @edtechgsd or @librarymediagsd, or share and comment on our Facebook page.
Photos and Twitter Updates by Mandee Cossa, Pam Moeai, and Cindy Moyle.
This article was also posted on the Educational Technology Department blog: https://www.graniteschools.org/edtech/2018/03/school-author-visits-march-2018/