Birds From Head to Tail, by Stacey Roderick and Kwanchai Moriya

Birds From Head to Tail
Written by Stacey Roderick, Illustrated by Kwanchai Moriya

This book serves as a good introduction for younger students to many different types of birds. The illustrations are bright, colorful and simple. Students who like animals will enjoy this book.

Review by Jessica Riggs, Robert Frost Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: K-3

In this fun informational picture book, children can test their knowledge of birds, one body part at a time. ?What bird has eyes like this?? asks a spread showing a close-up illustration of the body part without revealing the rest of the bird’s body. ?A bald eagle!? answers the following spread, which features an illustration of the whole bird in its habitat, along with intriguing information about its unique body part and what makes it special. Eight birds in all are featured, along with another eight on an additional spread at the back of the book.

Birds From Head to Tail
Written by Stacey Roderick, Illustrated by Kwanchai Moriya
Kids Can Press
36 pages
Release Date: October 2, 2018
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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