Lucky Little Things
Written by Janice Erlbaum
Lucky Little Things, which started out as a fairly typical early middle-school drama about friendship, family, and losing those closest to you, really delivers quite the emotional wallop at the end of the book. Emma, the protagonist, is in the unenviable position of being in middle school in New York City, while key pieces of her support system crumble away. Her favorite Aunt Jenny has passed away suddenly, and her best friend is now attempting to ingratiate herself with the cool, mean crowd. When Emma receives a mysterious letter about 10 lucky little things that may happen to her, the story zips along, dealing life lessons and sobs along the way.
Review by Margaret Yau, School Technology Teacher Specialist, Taylorsville Elementary
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 5-8
Lucky Little Things
Written by Janice Erlbaum
Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC
274 pages
Release Date: July 24, 2018
A review copy was provided by the publisher.