Written by Andrew Larsen, Illustrated by Anne Villeneuve
Me, Toma and the Concrete Garden is a touching tale of family and friendship. As Vincent stays with his aunt Mimi for the summer, he does not anticipate what adventures he will have. As his new friendship blooms, so do the mysterious “dirt balls” that Aunt Mimi has Vincent and Toma throw out. The boys throw the “dirt balls” onto a concrete patch in the center of the apartment complex. His summer started out gray and impossible, until friendships bloom, from Mr. Goruchypants (aka Marco) who lives across the way, to Toma, the boy who lives a few floors above Aunt Mimi. Who knew what adventures could be had with a few dirt balls, some ice cream, and a hand full of neighbors? -Mrs. V
“The illustrations are simple and don’t overcrowd the pages, and the story is inspiring. Makes one want to do something similar” -Dylan F.V., 5th Grade Student
Reviewed by Dana Valencia, Media Clerk, and Dylan F.V., 5th Grade Student, Oakridge Elementary
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades PreK-6
Author Website: https://www.andrewlarsen.ca/
Illustrator Website: http://annevilleneuve.com/
Me, Toma and the Concrete Garden
Written by Andrew Larsen, Illustrated by Anne Villeneuve
Kids Can Press
32 pages
Release Date: May 7, 2019
ISBN: 9781771389174
A review copy was provided by the publisher.