Written by Drew Daywalt, Illustrated by David Spencer
From the author of The Day the Crayons Quit comes a humorous “buddy” book. This story is full of contrasts: positive outlook vs. negative outlook; adventure vs. trials; etc. Huggie sees life full of challenges and danger. His stark reality is that bad things WILL happen and must be endured and he suffers through it. Stick is quite the opposite and appears oblivious to the bad around him and sees life as exciting and full of glorious adventure. Together, Huggie and Stick must survive an unexpected mishap and they tell their stories in letter form. Though they experience the same things, they have very different points of view. My one disappointment is that neither learn from each other. Stick is so over-the-top positive that he misses the suffering that Huggie is going through. Huggie is so dismal and gloomy, that he never learns to see the bright side and experience any joy. Hopefully, if this becomes a series, the characters will learn and grow in upcoming books. Despite this, the story could open up some interesting discussions with students on opposites, differing points of view, and co-existence with people who see the world differently from us.
Reviewed by Teresa Edmunds, Media Clerk, Bridger Elementary
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 2-4
Author Website: https://www.drewdaywalt.com/
Illustrator Website: http://www.mischief-factory.com/
The Epic Adventures of Huggie & Stick
Written by Drew Daywalt, Illustrated by David Spencer
Philomel Books
40 pages
Release Date: October 23, 2018
ISBN: 9780399172762