
Written and Illustrated by Dow Phumiruk

This is an adorable story about a girl named Shelly who adopts a pet monster named Hugsby. Shelly can’t wait to bring Hugsby to the school pet monster show-and-tell day! However, what can her monster do? She tries to teach him tricks but it seems hopeless. This lovely, heartwarming story demonstrates that a talent that is desired by all is much more important than what you can or cannot do! The Monster adoption store and other illustrations in this story make you want to adopt a monster yourself. This book teaches great values and children will love to read it over and over again. Definitely a feel good story for all ages. Adorable!

Reviewed by Tamara Hatch, Media Clerk, Bennion Elementary School
Review shared in March 2021
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K-3

Hugsby Crafts for Kids:

Written and Illustrated by Dow Phumiruk
40 pages
Release Date: November 10, 2020
ISBN: 9781984835987
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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