The Patron Thief of Bread

Written by Lindsay Eagar

Overall, this is a wonderfully written book. It is told from two perspectives, an old gargoyle, and Duck and young orphan girl. Duck was found in a river by a gang of orphan children and they are the only family she knows. They must steal to survive and though Duck is reluctant to take things from the kind villagers, she wants to do her part. Acceptance, forgiveness, family, and loyalty are well represented as Duck faces hard decisions, makes both right and wrong choices, and finds deep love from a blind baker to help her through the consequences of those choices. The one weak point in the book is that the gargoyle’s perspective is weakly developed and leaves you wanting more. Good book for mid-grade readers.

Reviewed by Teresa Edmunds, Librarian, Jim Bridger Elementary
Review shared in October 2022
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 6-9

The Patron Thief of Bread
Written by Lindsay Eagar
Candlewick Press
442 pages
Release Date: May 11, 2022
ISBN: 9781536204681 
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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